From the scorching Desert Earth of Brawley, located down in Southern California, Jason Cosio Jr. is a musical artist driven by his determination to seize the essence of his Soul. Reverberations of vibrant energy, lush textures, and resonant vibrations can be tangibly felt within each of the tracks he decides to put forth. Vibe to. . . Drive to. . . Experience the songs he calls his J.E.M.S.
I want to thank every individual who helped me make this music, sincerely. I couldn't have done this without your presence.
I want to express my appreciation, in every sense of that word, for the individuals doing the work with Fender, Dean, Rogue, Premier, Sound Percussion, Ludwig, Tama, Remo, Evans, Vic Firth, Zildjian, Paiste, Meinl, Yamaha, Toca Percussion, Fat Cat, PureSound, Rainstick Maker in Old Town, San Diego, Marshall, Dunlop, Seymour Duncan, Ernie Ball, Stringjoy, Tortex, Sunlite, Perri, Gator, Shure, Mikiz, CAD, Tascam, Cockos Incorporated, Guitar Tuna, Polk, Bose, Hosa Technology, Kirlin, Azor, Hosongin, Nuosiya, Powered by Rock, Sovvid, Musician's Gear, Innogear, On-Stage, Dell, H.P., Samsung. . . Thank you.
A lot of effort went into making each song on this album. I regard this collection of music as a Tribute to Humans' Spirit and Condition: Made from the silver lining shinings recognized throughout the haze of the dark days.
- Jason Cosio Jr.
Composed, Produced, Engineered, Recorded, Mixed, and Mastered by: Jason Cosio Jr.
All Instruments played by: Jason Cosio Jr.
Photograph: by Jacob Cosio
Edited by: Jason Cosio Jr.
Artwork by: Jason Cosio Sr. & Jason Cosio Jr.