What We Do

Now Recruiting New Bands!

Empowering Musicians

Our mission is to help develop and empower musicians. We do this by creating a community of industry contacts and supporting bands through more accessible label services. As a nonprofit, we aren’t interested in earning a profit from your works. In fact, working with us ensures that you retain ownership of your music! We’re only here to support you and help your band grow!

We take a much smaller cut than other indie labels since our goal is artist development and we can offset costs through other means. This means you’re able to have more creative control of your works and reach a wider audience. We’ll help you distribute and promote your music while you retain the majority of profits!

By embracing fair and inclusive practices, we set the stage for musicians to cultivate their talent and expand their reach. Let us help you book shows, get and sell merch, and meet other like-minded musicians.

If you aren’t in a band or a musician but are interested in getting experience in the music industry, reach out to us! No matter what you’re interests are in the industry, we can use your help! You’ll get the chance to work with bands and other industry professionals while helping to create a more inclusive and accessible music scene.

FairTune Records is a nonprofit record label. We are a registered WA State charity and are awaiting official 501(c)(3) designation from the IRS. We aim to promote, develop, and nurture our artists to help them create more sustainable and equitable pathways into the music industry.

Music artist Lobes sings into the mic and pointing to an audience member while performing at Fremont Friday's Summer Music Series in front of an audience.

Unlock Your Potential