FTR is now recruiting!

It’s been a busy month since the founding of FairTune Records at the end of June. We’ve been working hard to ensure we have all our paperwork in order before we started moving forward with recruitment. With our paperwork done, and just waiting on our Determination Letter for tax-exempt status, we’re ready to start bringing on bands!

We’ve been down at Fremont Friday’s helping them setup and chatting with musicians every Friday this summer! If you see Jordan down there, introduce yourself and tell us more about you and your band! Our goal is to create a community of musicians that can help you create the contacts you need to be successful in your music career.

We also attended our first demo show! While conversations are still ongoing, we’re hopeful to be bringing on our first band here soon. They had great energy and stage presence and we would love to share their music with you!

As always, our goal is to help musicians develop. We do this by making sure you retain ownership of your music and providing label services at much more competitive rate. If you’re in a band, or know a band, and have an album recorded, reach out to us at and see how we can best support you!